Here at Westminster we love meeting new people of all ages!  Whether you are looking for a new church family or are someone seeking answers, we will welcome you with open arms. If you aren't ready to join us in person, we will be posting abridged versions of our services on the website, or you can join our livestreamed service. You can join us through clicking on the button in our newsletter, or send an email to for a link. Details of what in person worship will look like are below.

What happens at our Worship Services?


Most people to come in through the front door. For those who need easier access, there is handicap parking at the back door, you're welcome to use that and come in through that door. Masks are respected but not required. Hand sanitizers will be readily available for your use.

Children will sit  with their parents at the beginning of service. There will be a children's time early in the service, and the kids will be able to come up to the front so they can be closer to the action. They will go upstairs to Sunday school together after the Children's Time.

Offering will be taken through a "retiring offering" -- in other words, the plates will be placed at the exit doors from the sanctuary, and you'll be able to leave an offering there if you like. 

Coffee and Social Time

Following worship, we'll have coffee, tea and water available and we hope you'll join the crowd that stays to visit and catch up with one another.

What should I wear?

On Sunday, Westminster folk wear anything from dresses and ties to jeans and sneakers.  So come in whatever you feel comfortable in - you will fit right in!

You are always welcome at Westminster!